An archive's tasks have long ceased to consist solely of taking over documents worthy of archiving, making them accessible according to professional criteria, processing them for use and conserving them. Archives no longer want to make archival materials available only in user rooms, but also to bring them to the general public through exhibitions. However, this raises various questions: How can an archive make its "treasures" accessible to the public and at the same time physically protect them? How can exhibitions consisting exclusively of documents be made exciting? The guests at the round table will explore this tension together with the audience.
Moderator: Evamarie Bange (Archives de la Ville de Luxembourg)
Participants: Simone Feis (Musée Dräi Eechelen); Jérôme Courtoy (Musée national de la Résistence); Sanja Simic (Archives nationales); Guy Thewes (Les 2 Musées de la Ville de Luxembourg)
Org.: Les 2 Musées de la Ville de Luxembourg, Archives de la Ville de Luxembourg & VLA
Reservation required!
Place: Auditoire Cercle Cité - 3 rue Genistre, L-1623