

Speaker: Christian Meyers, University of Luxembourg

Current events show an increased return of conspiracy theories in the new media. In chronological order, the lecture will review 'five times' when the Judeo-Masonic conspiracy theory was used in the media and publications of the time. It will then briefly examine the possible origins of the construction of this myth by discussing Masonic symbolism and the notion of Masonic secrecy. Finally, the speaker will show through the reading of some very recent extracts of Judeo-Masonic conspiracy speeches that this subject is of burning topicality and that it must be deconstructed and denounced in order to preserve democracy and humanism in Europe and in the world.

Reservation recommended

Place : Auditorium Cité - 3 rue genistre (entrée Cité Bibliothèque)

Max. Participants: According to the Covid-19 rules in place




Christian Meyers


For free