A hundred years have passed since the first Scouting camp was organised by lieutenant-general Robert Baden-Powell on the island of Brownsea in 1907. Luxembourg Scouting was born six years later, in 1913, thanks to the initiative of Joseph Tockert, a teacher. Today, there are more than 38 million Scouts and Guides throughout the world, with over 7 000 in Luxembourg.
An exhibition focusing on the personal experiences of Guides and Scouts.

Throughout this exhibition, the visitor is invited to discover the characteristics of Luxembourg Scouts: their love of the life outdoors, their values, their patriotism, the admiration felt for the founder of the movement, their life philosophy, the success achieved in their later social and professional lives. "Non-Scouts" will be able to compare their preoccupations to those of a Scout - a starting point for contemplating the fundamental values and the hierarchical functioning of our society. At the same time, visitors will be given an overview of the key dates of Luxembourg history during the 20th century and will have the opportunity to reflect on society's modernisation process since the First World War. That said, "Scoutland" does not hesitate to call into question certain aspects of the movement: does one really need to have been a Scout in order to become a "man of quality"?

What future for Scouting?
Luxembourg is one of the countries with the highest Scouting density in the world. How can this phenomenon and the longevity of this organisation be explained?
The exhibition raises the question on the future of Scouting and incites the visitor to reflect on the type of men and women that the movement aims to shape today in the face of a rapidly changing society.

Spatial design
The exhibition's fourteen themes are arranged and displayed in integrated and distinct spaces of the museum. The setting, both playful and interactive, is designed as a theme park. Sound spaces, which have been integrated in the exhibition, offer a different opportunity for reflecting on the joy of life and the values advocated by Scouts.


24 November > 30 March 2008